Yoga Schedule
Regular classes, a combination of intensive & restorative, for all ability levels. Expand the practice beyond the pose- a way of aligning body, breath, mind & consciousness – A holistic lifestyle!
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Pre-registration Mandatory.
Please bring your own mat or rent at the space.
Yoga Props- Bolsters/Blankets/Cushions/Belts provided
Humility – Be humble and kind to all.
Be 5 Minutes Early – Coming in late disturbs the energy of the class- In case of an issue- please call and inform.
Considerate – Make sure the experience is pleasant for all.
Phones Away – Don’t let the peace break because of loud ringtones.
Silence Please – Be with yourself- avoid chit-chat, if necessary talk softly.
Clean Up – It is polite to put everything back the way you found it.
No Binging – Don’t fill up at least 2 hours before the class.
Be Healthy – Be sure to consult an expert or your doctor if you have any medical condition before you start practising Yoga
Mindful – Be present in the moment and experience the magic.