What is Sound Healing?
Sound healing is a therapeutic practice rooted in the influence of sound vibrations on the human body, mind, and spirit. By harnessing the inherent resonance of various instruments, such as singing bowls, gongs, and tuning forks, sound healing seeks to restore balance, alleviate stress, and promote overall well-being.
Specific rhythms and sounds, as explained by science, communicate with the nervous system, creating a state of coherence between the brain and the heart leading to powerful changes in physical, mental and emotional health.
It has been proven to eliminate and prevent physical illnesses, recreate brain connections, create a balanced emotional state and align the chakras. By practicing it regularly, notable and permanent improvements are experienced in all areas of life.
This practice draws from traditions worldwide and is embraced for its potential to release emotional blockages, build resilience and induce a state of deep inner calm. It is also scientifically proven to help with joint, shoulder, neck, lower back & menstrual pain, migraine & digestive disorders.
Making the decision to study the healing method of Tibetan/Himalayan Singing Bowls can be the beginning of an exciting and life-changing journey!
The course is divided into two levels with the first level (two modules) focusing on self healing and holding group sound baths and the second level (three modules) helping to learn more about one-on-one healing and various modalities within the sound healing universe.
Level 1 – Module 1
Exploring Sound Healing & Himalayan Bowls, Mechanisms and Applications, Purifying the Space & Cleansing the Healing Environment for Optimal Results
Level 1- MODULE 2
MASTERY IN SELF-HEALING & HOLDING GROUP SOUND BATHs, using Sound to Seal and safeguard auras, one-on-one sound healing approaches, Charging Water with the Vibration of Bowls
Level 2 – Module 1
Understanding Human physical & energy anatomy including Chakras, Meridians, and Energy channels.
Level 2 – Module 2
Gong Dynamics and the Art of Healing, tracing the History of Gongs & choosing the right one, Techniques for Playing Different Gong Varieties & Crafting Effective Gong Bath Experiences
Level 2 – Module 3
Reshaping the Body and Mind through Sound Healing, Exploring Body Mechanics and Addressing Postural Issues, Sound Massage and Healing through Body Work, Analysing Breathing Patterns to Channel Energy, Integrating Sound Healing into a Spiritual Journey & Protocols for Alleviating Different Types of Pain.
Course Details
Date: 22nd January, 2023 / Time: 10 AM Onwards